Monday, October 17, 2016

Attendance Code in iPass

Guidance or Meeting or Testing (GMT) - Excused time out of the classroom
New iPass Code to Accurately Keep Track of Students
Testing -
  1. If a student is testing outside of the regular education classroom (MCAS, ACCESS,  Initial Evals, Re-evals etc.)
    1. SPED teacher or support staff notifies teacher(s) in advance of the testing
    2. The notification should be done by email, please CC Cindy Foster on the email
    3. Classroom teacher should update IPASS attendance with the GMT code

Student Support Services Meeting/Appointments - (Guidance, Focus, Connections)

  1. If student has an appointment slip - student provides teacher with slip and teacher updates IPASS with the GMT code
  2. If student goes to meet with staff at Guidance, Focus or Connections without appointment slip:
    1. If the student is with staff member for less than the full period -
      1. staff member provides student with a pass to return to class
      2. upon students return to class, classroom teacher should mark student GMT
    2. If the student is with staff member for the entire period
      1. staff member should email teacher and Cindy
      2. Cindy will update IPASS attendance to GMT

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Training from the Nurse

Epipen Training from the Nurse

Teachers and Staff:
Teachers and staff may volunteer to be Epipen-trained by the HPS school nurses. In the event that you do administer an Epipen in an emergency, you are covered by The Good Samaritan Law. According to HPS policy, any teacher taking students( with Life-threatening Allergies) on a field trip must be Epipen- trained.

If you  have any questions, please contact me.


Educator Evaluation

Goals, Action Steps & Benchmarks, and Ed Plans 

Self-Assessments and goals are due for all educators on October 4th, followed by the educator plan (goals + action steps + benchmarks) due on October 17th. Use the "1 Educator Self-Assessment" form in TeachPoint to submit your self-assessment. This is YOUR self-assessment so any format, any organization, or any thoughtful reflection will be great...REALLY!! 
     Your goals are created from your self-assessment and can be either team or individual goals. The professional practice goal should really reflect your self-assessment and areas you identified as needed growth. Remember that when you are submitting your goal using the 2A/2B Goal Setting/Educator Plan form, that this is just the goal - without the action steps and benchmarks. Hint: When trying to create a form, click on the small button at the top that says "New" and a menu box will appear. Scroll down until you see the section for teachers and choose the form you want. You will use this same form to add in your action steps and benchmarks to complete the Educator Plan.  Please DO NOT SIGN any forms yet. 

Here is the link to the sample goals presented at the Faculty Meeting:       


Anti-Bullying Presentation to Faculty

During the September Faculty Meeting Anne presented on the Anti-Bullying guidelines and district plan. Follow this link to see the presentation:

Anti-Bullying Presentation

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

HHS Eligibility Policy

HHS Revised Eligibility Policy

Athletic Eligibility

In order for students to participate in athletics they must complete a permission form, chemical health form, and a physical examination by a doctor, and also meet all eligibility rules.

In addition to adhering to the tenets of the MIAA academic eligibility requirements, Holliston High School requires students to attain passing grades in all courses (incomplete grades are not considered to be passing grades) – using both term and final grades when available - in the term immediately preceding participation in the sport (for students attending an approved summer school program, the final grades of program will be considered in determining eligibility for Fall athletics).  Eligibility for a succeeding term is determined on the day report cards for the previous term is issued to all students.

The following are changes for the 2016-2017 school year:

Academically ineligible students may become eligible at the end of each term by attaining passing term and semester grades in all courses.   

  • Students who are academically ineligible must tryout with the team at the beginning of the season.  Students who make the team are held to the same expectations as their teammates, including attending all practices and games until they become eligible.  Students who are academically ineligible may not participate in any scrimmage or game.
  • Regarding interscholastic athletics: any student deemed ineligible at the start of a season would remain ineligible until the next marking period term and final grades are issued.
  • Students who are ineligible due to incomplete course work may become eligible if the incomplete grades become passing grades.
  • Students who are ineligible may continue to practice with a team, at the coach’s discretion, until they become eligible.
 For complete information regarding eligibility see the student/parent handbook at:

Student/Parent Handbook