Sunday, October 16, 2016

Educator Evaluation

Goals, Action Steps & Benchmarks, and Ed Plans 

Self-Assessments and goals are due for all educators on October 4th, followed by the educator plan (goals + action steps + benchmarks) due on October 17th. Use the "1 Educator Self-Assessment" form in TeachPoint to submit your self-assessment. This is YOUR self-assessment so any format, any organization, or any thoughtful reflection will be great...REALLY!! 
     Your goals are created from your self-assessment and can be either team or individual goals. The professional practice goal should really reflect your self-assessment and areas you identified as needed growth. Remember that when you are submitting your goal using the 2A/2B Goal Setting/Educator Plan form, that this is just the goal - without the action steps and benchmarks. Hint: When trying to create a form, click on the small button at the top that says "New" and a menu box will appear. Scroll down until you see the section for teachers and choose the form you want. You will use this same form to add in your action steps and benchmarks to complete the Educator Plan.  Please DO NOT SIGN any forms yet. 

Here is the link to the sample goals presented at the Faculty Meeting: